The BPV has 10 Questions for all Blacks 18 and Older in the U.S. to Claim AARS, Sovereignty, an Injured and Indigenous Status by Name, and 1 of the 3 AARS Reparations Models for Residence.
The Purpose is for African-Americans and Black People to Support the AAIU, to Endorse and Promote AARS, and to Gain Sovereignty.
The AAIU is an Organization Everybody 18 and Older in America can Affiliate with, if they are Serious about Helping us to Slowly Dissolve Racism, and Endorsing the AARS Global Black Reparations Plan. AARS Congressional Racism Dialogue will Produce Solutions for Problems in Integration, and Prepare Blacks for Peace and Prosperity via Repatriation and Sovereignty.
Our Special KRP Task is to Circulate, Read, and Discuss, all 4 AARS Summary Docs, until AARS is ratified by the U.S. Government! We Hope and Pray, this Peaceful Political Process will Motivate our U.S. Government to Ratify AARS, ASAP!!